Complement your winch with the Forestry Solution that includes the accessories you need to achieve your forestry work efficiently and safely.
Are you aware that there are more efficient methods to enhance your homeland forestry endeavors? Specialized tools have been crafted to simplify the life of loggers like you. Until now, you may not have realized the need for a solution. Our experts, strong of years of experience, have put together this forestry accessory kit to minimize headaches, back pain and far more serious injuries.
Indeed, extracting logs can be quite a challenge, which is precisely why the skidding cone was developed. This innovative tool facilitates the smooth movement of logs across various terrains by reducing ground friction and preventing them from digging in. When paired with your Portable Winch, there's virtually nothing you won't be able to accomplish! Experience the difference in your forestry work and optimize your efforts with the best tools designed for your success.
Included Accessories
- to effortlessly manoeuvre logs while safeguarding the forest floor
- to securely choke your logs for example without adding extra weight in your gear
- to safely connect the choker and the carabiner at the end of your rope
- to get an extra one in your arsenal to multiply the power
of your winch or deviate the pull angle
- to attach the pulley to a tree for example
- to link the pulley to the sling